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Now offering Micro Current Neurofeedback

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Don't Wait to Get the Help You Need

Helping People Find Hope and Healing

Tired of not feeling understood or cared for? Tired of struggling with the same things over and over again? Life, relationships and emotions can be hard and overwhelming. When life feels confusing and repetitive, it’s difficult to know where to turn. It IS possible to learn to connect with others, heal from your pain and grow into the person you wish to be.

Everyone has struggles and everyone is broken in some way because we are human. Some of us are just better at hiding it (at least for a while). Going to counseling is hard and scary. It’s so counterintuitive because you’re opening up to a complete stranger. I get that. I do not think going to counseling means you’re weak or flawed. I think it means you have great courage. You’re willing to: 1) Acknowledge your struggle, which is sometimes hard to do. 2) Talk about it out loud with a complete stranger. You are strong. You are courageous for even contemplating going to counseling. You can do this!

I’m confident that together we can work to help equip you with the necessary tools to help you face and overcome these challenges. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, coping with depression, or navigating life changes, it is important that you know you don’t have to be alone in this journey. My goal is to help you work through your challenges, rediscover your strengths, and lead a happier, healthier life. I would love an opportunity to show you that there is hope and there is healing that you can have. Please reach out today!


About Me

Hope and Healing Family Counseling is committed to helping all people, from all walks and stages of life, find hope and healing. I provide counseling from a Christian perspective and love helping others incorporate their faith into their healing journey. I do this with confidentiality, professionalism and compassion. Non-Christians and non-religious clients also feel safe, welcome and accepted. I do not seek to impose my beliefs upon others, but I do recognize that my beliefs impact and shape my work with clients. I would love to help you get to a place where your emotions, life situations and relationships are healthy and balanced.

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Frequently Asked Questions

View commonly asked questions related to therapy with us, and psychotherapy in general. Your active participation and dedication is crucial to your success.

Rates & Insurance

Do you have health insurance? Check here to see if you would be covered under your insurance provider for our services. If you have questions, please reach out.